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1/16/20: Nasir Ali & Tim Hnat — Cerebral Cortex: An Open-Source Platform for Computational Modeling of High-Frequency Data


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12/5/19: Daniel Rivera — Optimizing Behavioral mHealth Interventions: What Does Control Systems Engineering Have To Offer?


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9/16/19: Karen Fortuna — Moving Beyond User-Centered Design to Improve Population Health


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Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions with Susan Murphy

Statistician Susan Murphy of the University of Michigan 网友网络加速超速器 used for creating the interventions used in mobile health (mHealth) in a trio of videos released by the Methodology Center of Pennsylvania State University.

Many mHealth applications use interventions that are delivered by a smartphone or other mobile device. In the first video, Murphy explains just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAI), which are delivered as needed via a mobile device. The second video explains the microrandomized trial, which is a trial design used for building JITAIs, and in the third video, Murphy talks about data analysis used in the development of a JITAI. 

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Replay available of Dr. Ida Sim's Grand Rounds talk at NIH Collaboratory

A recording of Dr. Ida Sim's Grand Rounds presentation at the NIH Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory is now available. 

Dr. Sim is a Professor of Medicine and Co-Director of Biomedical Informatics at the UCSF Clinical Translational Science Institute. She is also co-founder of Open mHealth and an investigator for the NIH-funded Center of Excellence for Mobile Sensor Data-to-Knowledge (MD2K), where she heads the center's Consortium Core.

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Dr. Kenzie Preston: Substance Abuse Research with Mobile Technology

Presenter: Dr. Kenzie Preston, NIDA

Date: Oct. 12, 2015

About the presentation: Dr. Preston discusses methods of assessing methods of assessing the effect of different mechanisms to combat drug abuse, using geographical momentary assessment to investigate individual and environmental influences on drug craving, intensive ambulatory physiological monitoring, and mobile interventions for addiction. Some of Dr. Preston’s research involved data collected using AutoSense.

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Electronic Nicotine Survey from WWU Team

Professor Shameem Ahmed, Professor Moushumi Sharmin, and Forest Sweeney of the Computer Science department at Western Washington University are conducting a study to understand the habits, locations, and triggers of electronic nicotine users. The goal of this research is to find technological solution(s) to enable users to control their own nicotine use behavior. For the success of this research it is critical that we collect data from a large number of users who consume electronic nicotine. With this goal we designed a survey to collect data related to consumption behavior. It would be great if you could distribute the following information to potential target users.


Call for Papers: HealthDL Workshop

HealthDL: Deep Learning for Wellbeing Applications Leveraging Mobile Devices and Edge Computing

This workshop invites researchers from academia and industry to submit papers in the topics of deep learning. The availability of affordable wearable Internet of Things and powerful smartphones with embedded sensors has revolutionalized intelligent health and wellness applications. Users often use wIoT and smartphones to collect medical data and later sending them to the cloud for further analysis. Edge-based solution where analysis and inference of such data are carried out on edge devices has also been proposed to address the security and privacy concern of users since the data is not transferred to untrusted cloud for inferencing.

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Applications now open for the mHealth Training Institute 2.0 at UCLA

Applications are now being accepted for the 2023 mHealth Training Institute (mHTI) to be held at the University of California, Los Angeles from July 26 – 31, 2023. The week-long, residential program blends “deep dives” into the latest mHealth technologies and methodologies with team-science projects to provide the selected scholars with the transdisciplinary knowledge, competencies and collaborative networks required to tackle “wicked” healthcare problems.  The mHTI is funded by a NIH/OBSSR/ ODP/NIDA training grant (R25DA038167) and administratively supported by the NIH Center for Excellence on Mobile Sensor Data-to-Knowledge (MD2K).



5G版Mate 30系列驾到!Link Turbo助力EMUI10实现疾速体验 ...:2021-11-1 · 图片来自华为官网 而在5G版Mate 30系列身上,借助SA 5G网络的疾速下行速率,再结合Link Turbo技术技术能带来快到难伍置信的速度。比如5G下载速度为1424Mbps,WiFi下载速度为575Mbps,那么Link Turbo技术带来的“聚合网速”就高达1900Mbps。

UCSD (University of Calfornia, San Diego) is seeking a post-doctoral researcher with specialization in data science, geographic, and statistical methods, as well as domain knowledge in public health applications, to join our team in working on a diverse array of research projects. The research fellow will work with PIs Marta Jankowska from the UCSD Qualcomm Institute, Tarik Benmarhnia from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and School of Public Health at UCSD, and Loki Natarajan from the Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health at UCSD. The primary project seeks to develop methods for understanding minute-level predictors of physical activity, sleep, eating behaviors or metabolic related diseases as influenced by environmental contextual factors such as green spaces, noise, or air pollution.

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搜索 - 荔枝网 - JSTV.COM:2021-12-4 · 互联网新闻信息服务许可证:32120210003 苏ICP备07025745号-1 公安备案号:32021202110067 信息网络传播视听节目许可证号:1003036 违法和不良信息举报电话:(025)83187902 中国互联网举报中心 举报邮箱:litchi@vip.jsbc.com 跟帖评论自律管理承诺书 网络举报APP下载

The Research Engineering Associate III will act as the principal for the firmware component/hardware of various embedded devices, mostly in the form of wearables and smart watches. The individual will work in unison with a design team/ a talented group of researchers to create various hardware and software com ponents. The team at Texas A&M is a highly dynamic group working on cutting edge technologies related to design and development of wearable sensors and wearable computers.


2 Post-Doc Research Positions at Embedded Signal Processing Laboratory at Texas A&M University

搜索 - 荔枝网 - JSTV.COM:2021-12-4 · 互联网新闻信息服务许可证:32120210003 苏ICP备07025745号-1 公安备案号:32021202110067 信息网络传播视听节目许可证号:1003036 违法和不良信息举报电话:(025)83187902 中国互联网举报中心 举报邮箱:litchi@vip.jsbc.com 跟帖评论自律管理承诺书 网络举报APP下载

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More than 300 mHealth researchers, technologists, and federal program officers participated in a mHealth Technology Showcase held June 4 on the NIH campus. The event, co-sponsored by MD2K and NIH, gave participants an opportunity to experience the progress that has been made in mHealth technology available for research since the first NIH grants were awarded in 2007 as part of its Genes, Environment, and Health Initiative (GEI) that funded sensor development. The day featured panel discussions, speakers and 16 technology demonstrations and 50 posters that were chosen by an NIH selection committee from nearly 200 applicants. Click below for links to video, speaker slides and descriptions of the technology that was demonstrated.



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To that end, we want to hear from you! Please let us know about upcoming events, your research or technology that is of interest to the mHealth community, job, funding and educational opportunities, or any other mHealth news.

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mHealth Summer Training Institutes

The week-long program at UCLA seeks to bridge the gap between technology development and health research can be reduced by conducting cross-training between early investigators in these fields. Bringing these groups together allows for unprecedented collaboration and cross-fertilization.




  • IEEE Computer Society Call for Papers
  • Pervasive Ideals
  • Aggregated Control of Quantum Computations: When Stacked Architectures Are Too Good to Be Practical Soon
  • SUB外网加速器
  • Building an Internet of Secure Things



  • Weekly Digest, August 3
  • Calculus For Data Science: What Do You Really Need to Know?
  • Feature engine python package for feature engineering
  • Introduction to Dropout to regularize Deep Neural Network
  • Why do some traditional engineers not trust Data Science?


  • Announcements
  • NSF on coronavirus
  • New director takes helm at National Science Foundation
  • 一加8系列正式发布 售价3999元起_中国江苏网 - jschina.com.cn:2021-4-17 · 一加早在 2021 年便开始投入 5G 产品研发,目前一加已在全球范围实现了对低频 Sub 6、中频 Sub 6 伍及高频毫米波三大主流 5G 频段的支持,是目前国产手机中唯一一个做到的三大频段全支持的品牌,刘作虎称一加实现了“ 5G大满贯”。 图:一加 8 Pro 图:一加 8
  • Zoom media briefing: The Event Horizon Telescope, a year after capturing the image of a black hole

AAAS Technology, Engineering and Computer Science News


  • COVID-19: Lower incidence at high altitudes?
  • Machine learning makes drug repurposing for psychiatric disorders more effective
  • New method to defend against smart home cyber attacks developed by Ben-Gurion University researchers
  • For solar boom, scrap silicon for this promising mineral
  • 2023 Michelson Prizes support groundbreaking research by young scientists

NIH Funding Opportunities

02 August 2023

  • Notice of Special Interest: Basic and Translational Research on Affective, Motivational, and Social Function in Normative Aging and/or Alzheimers Disease and Related Dementias (AD/ADRD)
  • Maternal and Pediatrics Precision in Therapeutics Hub (MPRINT) (P30 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
  • Maternal and Pediatrics Precision in Therapeutics Hub (MPRINT) (P50 Clinical Trial Optional)

Funding opportunities at NSF

  • Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation (CSSI): Elements and Framework Implementations
  • Dear Colleague Letter: Potential Support for Community Hubs for Collaborations Between NSF-funded Arctic Researchers and Arctic Residents
  • Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE): Core Programs
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for CISE Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) PILOT
  • Dear Colleague Letter: Veterans Research Supplement (VRS) Program
© 2023 mHealthHUB. mHealthHUB is a service of the Center of Excellence for Mobile Sensor Data-to-Knowledge (MD2K). MD2K is supported by the National Institutes of Health Big Data to Knowledge Initiative Grant #1U54EB020404
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